Sun fires off largest X flare of the solar cycle
The Sun continues to fire off massive solar flares. An X8.7, the largest eruption of energy from the sun so far this solar cycle, popped off on Tuesday (May 14).
AARO adds UAP videos to its website
The Pentagon’s UAP office has added declassified military videos of UFOs to its website that had previously been released to the public.
Classified UFO briefing in Congress scheduled to take place behind closed doors
Members of Congress will take part in a classified UFO briefing next week. The House Oversight Committee is scheduled to meet with the nation’s top spy chief on Friday.
Sun spits out largest solar flare in years
A monster solar flare that erupted from the Sun on Thursday is one of the largest ever recorded according to the Space Weather Prediction Center.
Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick out as director of All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office
Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick will step down as director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office. He will step down in December, less than a year and a half after being named as director of the government’s UAP office.
10 Halloween Short Stories For “Dead Air” 2023
As part of tonight’s “Dead Air” broadcast, we present a collection of ten Halloween stories.
NASA Releases Report From UAP Study Team, Appoints Research Director
NASA’s Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study team released its report on Thursday followed by a briefing on the matter and appointed a Director of UAP Research.
Pascagoula River Alien Abductee Calvin Parker Passes Away
Calvin Parker, who along with his co-worker Charles Hickson, reported they were taken by extraterrestrial beings into a craft and examined while fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi on October 11th, 1973, has passed away.